Ziyi sweet side daughters born after 8 months - SAKARACH

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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ziyi sweet side daughters born after 8 months

On a special edition of Elle celebrates 28 years of its release, the actress "Memoirs of a Geisha" and the little girl became the face cover.

Zhang Ziyi and daughter featured in Elle of October - a special edition celebrating 28 years of its release. Faithful same woman image independent personality, this is the first time she appeared with the beauty of motherhood. Zhang Ziyi was born at the end of 12/2015 daughter at a hospital in the US.

Earlier, the actress was pregnant withhold information. Even baby gender also were not disclosed. Newspapers had reported her pregnancy boys, however, then, represents the actress denied. Ziyi share motherhood made her such regeneration. 

At age 37, again just a baby not long but Zhang Ziyi has regained slender physique. She did not hide his intention to return to the film project.

"Maybe I did not put two films, but certainly there will be other things. I'm not the type of woman to just sit home with children," she shared. A week ago, she has participated in promotional events and Song Joong Ki.

Playful moments the actress 36 years. Zhang refused to talk about the scandal involving his affair recently commune. She said that it is unreliable rumors.

In hiding after childbirth but still tripped actress criticized by netizens. Latest fly photographs using the phone because she does not share the criticism was respected aviation security. Then, Zhang must speak the aircraft allowed to use the phone and Internet while in flight safety zone.

Zhang said accustomed to rumors and contradictory criticism from the crowd.

Free beauty as the son of Zhang Ziyi in Elle magazine.
Source: Zing
Ziyi sweet side daughters born after 8 months Reviewed by Vannak on 12:26:00 AM Rating: 5 On a special edition of Elle celebrates 28 years of its release, the actress "Memoirs of a Geisha" and the little girl became the ...

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